
They participate and give their contribution in the journey of our success, not in the celebration after success. They let us enjoy our success with our loved ones, they don’t come in the party. That is ownership.


Be Smart, Work Hard

     In this today’s world of materialism when I look at some expensive shits and think, they say to me, “if you want to achieve something great in your life, be smart, work hard and focus over money. Otherwise you will never realize the true meaning of life and will spend your whole life in gathering material, will have to compromise from your choices and will get everyday emotional hit from the atmosphere.”


In this today’s world where materialism is the concept of living, to be happy and to get the peace of mind we will have to live simultaneously two types of life – external and internal life. Externally we will have to live a resourceful life and internally a thoughtful i.e. “Simple Living and High Thinking”.

Concept of Living
